Independent Visitor (Hounslow)

Become a volunteer to support a young person living in care within London.

Hounslow Allies are recruited to build one-to-one relationships with looked-after children based on trust and mutual respect. They are volunteers who are not part of the network of professionals responsible for a person in care.

Volunteers may participate in social activities like bowling, football, climbing, shopping, getting lunch and more.

This very rewarding project allows volunteers to use their own experience and become role models and friends to a young person.

Register your interest

  • Provide a source of support, friendship, and fun to a young person living in care
  • Arrange activities that your young person wants to do
  • Monthly visits
  • Reliable commitment of at least 15 months to the role.

  • Enthusiasm
  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Reliable.

As a volunteer, you will receive:

  • Initial training
  • Regular support and feedback meetings with volunteer manager
  • Opportunities for further training
  • Peer support
  • Reimbursement of out of pocket costs including travel, refreshments and activity costs on any meetings with your young person.

Hounslow Allies is the Independent Visitor Service for the Borough of Hounslow. All Local Authorities have a statutory duty to provide IVs to children in their care. Allies are IVs, volunteers who are not part of the network of professionals responsible for young people in care.

Visit the project page

A large group of people with some sitting and others standing posing for a photo around a circular table

Register your interest

You are about to register for this opportunity. Volunteering Matters will only use the information you've given us here for your volunteering record. It will be treated as confidential and stored in line with data protection legislation. I confirm that by registering my interest, I agree to the Volunteering Matters terms and conditions.
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