About Volunteering Matters

About Volunteering Matters

We turn local knowledge into action by working with volunteers and partners across the UK to build stronger communities for all.

We bring people together to overcome adversity, tackle isolation, improve physical and mental health, develop skills and ensure young people can lead change.

What makes us unique is our approach to developing programmes in local areas. Our volunteering programmes are designed by communities, for communities, as they have the power, local knowledge and energy to improve themselves from within.

At Volunteering Matters, we believe that stronger communities mean that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

We have nearly 60 years of experience in supporting people facing all sorts of life challenges, from financial wellbeing to loneliness or barriers to education and employment. Our projects range from mentoring schemes to social groups, from community drivers to young people raising awareness of the issues that mean the most to them.

At Volunteering Matters we believe that communities have the power, knowledge and energy to improve themselves from within and that we are most effective when we work with people, not on their behalf – and we achieve this with local partners.

Social action involves people coming together to improve their lives and solve the problems that are important in their communities. At Volunteering Matters, this is through volunteering, community organising and simple neighbourly acts.

All our projects are firmly place based, here are just some of the examples of the impact our volunteers have had in their local communities.

Grandmentors Ruby and Bindi enjouing coffee and desserts together on a circle table next to a window

Our values



Supporting our team and our communities to make change happen by sharing skills, knowledge, and time. Listening , trusting, cooperating, collaborating, building self confidence, and accountability to make positive change.



Actively removing barriers and providing equality of opportunities for everyone. Bringing people together, creating new relationships and new opportunities. Working together with a shared purpose to make the biggest impact possible.



Putting people at the heart of everything we do. Listening. Caring. Giving time, empathy, appreciation and value to our team and our communities.



Recognising and embracing the potential in our team, our communities, a situation, or a new idea. Being curious about things. Spotting new ideas and solutions and having fun along the way.



Being openminded, honest, and accountable. Having a flexible, uncomplicated approach in our communication style and the way we do things.

Latest News

Diamond Day in pictures

We work with some amazing partners

Brent Council
Camden Council
CHK Foundation
City of Wolverhampton Council
Clarion Housing
Cronfa Gymunedol Community Fund
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Department for Transport
Deutsche Bank
Discover Work
Essex Community Foundation
Ipswich Borough Council
Islington Council
Karbon Homes
Lewisham Council
London Borough of Hounslow
Mayor of London
Merton Council
Milton Keynes Council
National Citizen Service
Newcastle City Council
People’s Postcode Lottery
Perth and Kinross Council
Scottish Government
Scottish Refugee Council
Southend on Sea
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Suffolk Community Foundation
Suffolk County Council
The City of Edinburgh Council
The National Lottery Community Fund
The Royal Borough of Greenwich
UK Government
UK Government (Cymru)
VCS Emergencies Partnership
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Warwickshire County Council
Welsh Government
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