RSVP (Forth Valley)

• Working with volunteers aged 50+
• Delivering a wide range of activities to benefit the local communities
• Activities are based on volunteers’ skills and interests, or local needs

The Retired and Senior Volunteering Programme (RSVP) in Forth Valley covers Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire and is run by volunteer organisers. Like other RSVP projects RSVP Forth Valley relies on local fundraising and small grants from organisations such as the Rotary.

Volunteers use their skills to support people in their local community. Changing a lightbulb or replacing a tap washer for someone unable to do this themselves, listening to children reading, or making a cup of tea for someone waiting in the Emergency Department are all tasks that many older people can do and enjoy doing.

Walking groups are led by trained volunteers and provide physical and mental health well-being through exercise and social interaction. Knitting groups support activity in the home and as a group at the regular coffee mornings. Knitted goods are distributed in the local community and sometimes to charities working abroad.

Volunteering provides an opportunity to share experiences and to use skills developed over a lifetime. It helps reduce social isolation and enables people to meet and make  new friends. It is a way to “give back” to the local community.

Download the walk schedule (April – May 2025)

7 people inside next to a wall posing for the camera

Activities run by the project include:

Our volunteers provide support for patients, visitors and staff in a wide range of inpatient and out-patient services across the NHS Forth Valley Health Board.

Volunteers support children in several primary schools across all three Council areas with aspects of their learning such as reading, classwork or anything else suggested by the teacher.

Trained walk leaders provide a programme of walks of varying degrees of difficulty on 4 days per week, across Stirling and Clackmannanshire. A new schedule is published every quarter.

All Walk leaders are trained by Paths for All.

Download the Walking Schedule

April – May 2025

Two groups meet approximately every three months in Dunblane and Alloa. They bring in items they have knitted that are then distributed to a wide range of local and international organisations. Wool is provided free of charge.

Current volunteering opportunities

Handyperson (Stirlingshire & Clackmannanshire)

Full details

Schools Volunteer (Forth Valley)

Full details

Knitting Group Volunteer (Forth Valley)

Full details

Walking Group Member (Stirling & Clackmannanshire)

Full details
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If you’d like more information about the project, or to support our work, get in touch.

Contact Frankie

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