MSV – Mentoring and Supported Volunteering (Dundee)

Offering support to those facing significant barriers to employability, in the Dundee area, to help them to move forward in life, progressing into Employment, Higher Education, Training, or other positive destinations

The MSV project, which is run by Volunteering Matters, is party of the All in Dundee Partnership – a consortium made up of several local third-sector organisations working together, all bringing their own specific employability expertise to best support those in the local community.

We can match these individuals with volunteer mentors, who can support them in their journey, providing regular and flexible 1:1 support sessions, based on the individual’s needs and goals, to empower them on their journey.

We can also support these individuals into volunteering placements, in local third-sector organisations, to gain valuable experience, build their confidence, gain references, and develop new skills.

  • We offer person-centred and bespoke support, based on the needs, goals, and interests of the individual.
  • Our skilled staff, and team of Volunteer Mentors, support these individuals to understand and identify their strengths, skills, and barriers to employment and help them put steps and strategies in place, to overcome these barriers and challenges.
  • We are always looking for Volunteer Mentors to provide social, emotional, and practical support to our service-users. If you think you could support one of these people to move forward in life, become a Volunteer Mentor by contacting us today!

  • We have well-established working relationships with many charities in the local area, who offer volunteering placements for us to put our service users into
  • We can help match an individual who is looking to build their skills, or experience, or adjust to being in a working environment, with a volunteering placement at one of these organisations
  • We continue to support these individuals throughout their placement to ensure they feel comfortable and confident throughout the process, and continue to support them after by engaging them in further employability support within the All in Dundee Partnership
  • Do you run a charity in the Dundee area, and want to offer up some volunteering opportunities? Get in touch!

Our project benefits a number of groups who have been identified as having additional barriers to employment:

  • Parents who fit into these 6 groups:
    – Lone Parents
    – Parents with a disability, or who have a child with disability
    – Parents from an ethnic minority background
    – Families with 3 children or more
    – Families with a child under the age of 1
    – Parents aged 25 and under
  • Young people with additional support needs
  • Those who are long-term unemployed/inactive
  • Women returners
  • Those with a history of drug/substance misuse
  • Those experiencing precarious work or in-work poverty
  • Those with mild-to-moderate physical and mental health conditions (including disabilities)
  • Those with a history of offending
  • Those requiring specialist support to access the workplace (e.g. neurodiverse individuals, those with severe and enduring mental health conditions)

Two people standing side by side taking a selfie by the beach

Current volunteering opportunities

Mentor (Dundee)

Full details
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Get in touch if you’re interested in volunteering or would like to refer someone to this programme.

This project is kindly funded by:

Scottish Government
Discover Work
Department of Levelling Up
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