Equip Mentoring

  • Volunteer mentoring scheme
  • Mentoring and support for young people aged 18-25 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET)
  • 6-9 months of volunteer mentoring, focused on building confidence and getting into employment, training or work experience

Some young people, for whatever reason, may not have the skills to ensure they can navigate a route into higher education or into training and the employment market. We believe all young people are capable of being in higher education, employment or training if they wish to be, but we also know that some need a helping hand to achieve this. This is where Equip Mentoring comes in.

Equip Mentoring is delivered by Volunteering Matters across Suffolk but are looking for volunteers specifically in Ipswich.

The project works closely with local educational establishments to equip young people with the tools they need to re-engage with education and make informed decisions about their future career prospects and pathways.

We need volunteers to become mentors in and around Lowestoft to regularly meet a young person for approximately an hour per week. Mentors build up a relationship of trust and mutual respect and often, the mentor becomes a positive role model, boosting the young person’s resilience, confidence and supporting them to develop their skill set.

Equip Mentors receive initial and ongoing training, paid expenses and a network of existing mentors and team members for support. No special skills or qualifications are needed for this voluntary role, just life experience as well as a willingness to support someone who is need of a bit of help.

Current volunteering opportunities

Mentor (Ipswich)

Full details
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Get in touch if you’re interested in volunteering or would like to refer someone to this programme.

This project is kindly funded by

Ipswich Borough Council
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