Erasmus+ Volunteering projects allow young people aged 17-30 to take part in unpaid and Full-Time Volunteering activities for up to 12 months in another country within or outside the European Union.
‘During my placement at Volunteering Matters I have had the opportunity to discover different perspectives of how people can respond to similar situations, and that it varies between life experiences and values.
I came with skills that I have been learning from different countries and cultures and found myself learning even more new skills. I have learnt how important is to practice active listening, and how it has enhanced my empathy for vulnerable individuals.
Supporting Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women struggling with mental health issues has been a valuable experience that has opened my eyes about how important it is to have a cultural sensitivity, and not to generalise. Through volunteering with WASSUP, I figured out how important is to empower people at risk of exclusion. One way of doing this within schools is to have interactive toolkits where they are the main characters, giving them the opportunity to raise their voices to the general community, promoting a community without prejudices and stigmas.’
Rebeca’s placement in the UK was made possible through Erasmus+ Volunteering Projects funding, often referred to as EVS (European Voluntary Service).