Milton Keynes Volunteer Driver Service

  • Based in Milton Keynes
  • Aims to help those in need of assistance to attend key appointments
  • Volunteers are fully DBS checked and fully trained

Funded by Milton Keynes Council, the Milton Keynes Volunteer Drivers Service provides Volunteer Drivers to support children, young people and their families.

The Volunteer Drivers Service for Children, Young People and their Families provides a safe and reliable transportation option for vulnerable children and young people, and on occasion their parents and/or carers, to get to key appointments and activities in a way that is sensitive to their particular needs and circumstances.

Becoming a volunteer driver provides a door-to-door service for those who need it, and aims to help children, young people and their families to attend school, key appointments and activities.

The words funded by your local council with the logo of Milton Keynes Council

A man with his hand on the wheel looking outside their side window at the camera

Current volunteering opportunities

Volunteer Driver (Milton Keynes)

Full details
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This project is kindly supported by

Milton Keynes Council
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