Suffolk Young Ambassadors

  • Our Ambassador programme was co- created by young people
  • Using our WASSUP character’s Astra, Pat and Kay we mobilise young peoples voices
  • We create leaders for change and promoting the power of Youth Social Action.

The Suffolk Young Ambassador Programme runs a 12-week programme for young people across Suffolk. It supports and empowers them into becoming Ambassadors for change. The programme consists of 2 stages, each 6 weeks long.

The first stage focuses on training a group of young people in Leadership, citizenship, Social Action, Equity, Empathy, and good Leadership. The last 6 weeks focus on working with the group on a Youth Social Action concept designed to tackle a problem they identify in their school or community.

This programme is delivered to young people, by our Youth Social Action volunteers and staff members. We would like to welcome all young people aged between 16 and 25, hoping to gain experience and confidence to get involved in this programme and help us create the next leaders for change.

Two young people sat as a table looking down at art work they are creating

A film created by Young Ambassadors from a local Primary School in Ipswich

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