Telephone Befriender (Blaenau Gwent)

Become a Telephone Befriender and support older people (50+) living in Blaenau Gwent who are experiencing feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

For individuals 18+

Supporting older people (50+) living in Blaenau Gwent who are experiencing feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

Volunteers provide companionship, support confidence building and encourage involvement in the local community.

Volunteers can choose between one on one befriending or facilitating small group telephone chats. Or even both.

Find out more below and register your interest. 

  • Engagement with one or more residents in one-to-one weekly phone calls and/or with a group of three to five residents in monthly phone chats
  • Use of IT for community information searches and for communication with your Engagement Manager
  • Reporting back to your Engagement Manager in writing and verbally, as required.

  • Good listening and communication skills, with understanding of confidentiality
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Reliability
  • Awareness of, and adherence to, Volunteering Matters values
  • Facilitation skills if opting for group phone chat facilitator.

As a volunteer, you will receive:

  • Phone call expenses if entailing an additional cost to the usual bill, and would need to be evidenced, based on itemised calls undertaken.
  • Training at induction and ongoing supervision and support from your Engagement Manager
  • Insurance related to the volunteering activities undertaken
  • Role satisfaction, personal development skills and experience.

A person sat on a chair with a mobile in one hand and a coffee cup in the other close to their mouth

Register your interest

You are about to register for this opportunity. Volunteering Matters will only use the information you've given us here for your volunteering record. It will be treated as confidential and stored in line with data protection legislation. I confirm that by registering my interest, I agree to the Volunteering Matters terms and conditions.
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