Grandmentors Volunteer (Suffolk)

Suffolk Grandmentors is an award winning, innovative project where volunteers (aged 50 and over) support Care Leavers and Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children, to boost their confidence and achieve their goals.

For volunteers aged 50+ in Suffolk

Mentors meet their young people each week to provide support in the following areas: improve mental health and wellbeing, develop independent living skills, improve life skills and make positive life changes, and get into or maintain attendance of Education, Training or Employment.

All volunteers are given full support and training throughout their time on the project. Find out more about the opportunity below

Apply now

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  • Aged 50+
  • Good people and communication skills, patience
  • DBS (criminal record) check will be performed
  • Long-term commitment required (min. one year)
  • Resident in Suffolk

  • Full training plus ongoing support including monthly mentor support meetings
  • Expenses

Our award-winning Grandmentors programme transforms the lives of young adults through the emotional and practical support of our older, world-wise volunteers.

Visit the project page

Register your interest

You are about to register for this opportunity. Volunteering Matters will only use the information you've given us here for your volunteering record. It will be treated as confidential and stored in line with data protection legislation. I confirm that by registering my interest, I agree to the Volunteering Matters terms and conditions.
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