Family Supporters Edinburgh Receives £179,577 from National Lottery Community Fund (Scotland) 

Family Supporters Edinburgh offers social, emotional, and practical support to parents and families across the City of Edinburgh, empowering them to face a range of life barriers and challenges.

Family Supporters Edinburgh is delighted to have been awarded a three-year grant worth £179,577 from the National Lottery Community Fund (Scotland) made possible by National Lottery players.  

Family Supporters Edinburgh (FSE) is a community project delivered by the national charity Volunteering Matters. FSE provides an early intervention and prevention service to support struggling and marginalised parents, carers, and families through volunteer peer support. The service aims to reduce pressure on statutory services by adopting a ‘whole family approach’ for holistic goal planning. 

Three people stood inside in front of a screen with Family Supporters Edinburgh displayed

What impact will this grant have on the community?  

Over the next 3 years, volunteers in Edinburgh will be matched one-on-one with families in need from all parts of the city. The programme aims to help families improve their health and well-being, become more resilient, and develop skills for stable housing and finances. 

During this time, more than 150 families will benefit from support, especially those facing significant challenges such as mental health issues, disabilities, social isolation, financial hardships, and other family-related difficulties. In addition, families will have better access to education, employment, or training, which will lead to improved opportunities and stability. 

The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still said: “Every day National Lottery funding is changing the lives of thousands of people in communities across Scotland. This project delivered by Volunteering Matters, is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others.” 

“National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work which is making a real difference to so many.” 

Volunteering Matters, Project Manager, Arlaine Barbour said; “We are absolutely thrilled to have received this amazing support from the National Lottery Community Fund and very grateful to the National Lottery players.  Our Family Supporters programme in Edinburgh has been operating since 2020 with over 150 families benefitting to date. Of the families supported in 2023, almost 60% were single parents,  50% included a family with a disability or neurodiversity, and almost one third of families have English as a second language.  By visiting families for a few hours per week, our wonderful team of volunteers offer bespoke help and support tailored to each family’s unique needs.”  

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team would love to hear from you. Full training and support will be provided. Or if you know of a family that needs support, please connect them with Family Supporters Edinburgh. 

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