Building a better future for everyone

Building a better future for everyone

We love what we do and have nearly 60 years of experience helping communities navigate life’s challenges. We offer the opportunity to use your time and energy to benefit others through volunteering.

By sharing your time, skills, empathy and expertise in projects ranging from driving schemes to activity groups, to tackling loneliness or supporting young people, the positive difference you can make as a volunteer is extraordinary.

We recognise and reflect the different levels of commitment that you as a volunteer can give, whether it’s a few hours a week or something longer, in person or online, our projects help strengthen the communities where they’re based.

You’ll receive all the help, support and training needed so that you can help unlock people’s potential, creating sustainable social change in a community.

A woman with a blue top on and a man with a tie and shirt both smiling at the cameraGrandmentors August 2019, courtesy of Alicia Canter The Guardian.

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