Job Bridge – Erasmus+ project

The Job Bridge project has come to an end. We are glad to announce that we have been able to achieve the aspired result.

The Job Bridge project has come to an end. We are glad to announce that we have been able to achieve the aspired result. Here is what we did, in a nutshell:

As part of the Job Bridge project, facilitators of learning initiatives for young people participated in an extensive training course in Göttingen in February 2020, with the view to then carry out the so-called pilot learning projects involving at least 15 volunteers per partner country. The aim was to implement the methodologies developed in the earlier stages of the Job Bridge project and at the end of the pilot phase, the objective was to validate the competences acquired by both the facilitators and volunteers during the training and pilot projects, including utilising the innovative LEVEL5 methodology.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the mobility and social distancing restrictions which were introduced across the partner countries shortly after the training course in Göttingen meant that both the implementation of the pilot learning projects, and the entire concept of the project’s management and finalisation had to be adapted to the pandemic-induced new reality. However, the partners took the challenges head on and, creatively and innovatively, managed to complete the piloting phase and implement a wide range of learning projects.

As a result, a total of 190 volunteers were introduced and became enrolled in the learning projects across the Job Bridge partnerships. At the end of the learning projects, every partner completed a national report to record the volunteer and facilitator data, scope of the projects and their settings, the learning outcomes, developments, success factors, difficulties, and challenges. The experience of all partners is compiled in the European Experience Report.

Please visit our project website to find all the results.

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