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Vision for Volunteering

The Vision for Volunteering is a ten-year collaborative project designed to create a better future for volunteering.

Volunteering Matters has worked alongside charities, volunteers, public bodies and the private sector to create the Vision for Volunteering.

The Vision for Volunteering, sets out principles for a diverse, innovative, sustainable, ambitious and person-centred future for volunteering in England.

The Vision outlines what’s needed to ensure volunteering can continue to make a big impact for the next decade – and beyond. Hundreds of people and organisations contributed to the Vision through workshops, interviews and submitting evidence.

Explore the Vision for Volunteering (External link)


The 10-year strategy has been led by 5 partner organisations; Volunteering Matters, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Association of Volunteer Managers (AVM), National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) and Sport England.

Three people posing for the camera in an office with the words NCVO behind them

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