Adult Social Action – Perspectives

Supporting and strengthening the voice of communities belonging to disadvantaged backgrounds and vulnerable communities in Ipswich.

This project is currently being delivered in partnership with NHS Health Outreach Team, Essex University Partnership Trust (EPUT)

Supporting communities belonging to disadvantaged backgrounds and vulnerable communities including but not limited to homeless, rough sleepers, asylum seeker hotel residents and other individuals belonging to other vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds.

We support and strengthen the voice of the people in Suffolk creating a positive impact on the mental health, wellbeing and welfare of service users.

We offer creative and innovative services for engagement, community integration, social action and volunteering opportunities through implementation of a programme designed for greater and tangible impact in collaboration with user-led organisations to promote and deliver diverse initiatives and opportunities.

The therapeutic value of our engagement is found in empowering individuals to recognise and understand their own resilience and we offer a safe and supported way to harness confidence with a service provision that is meant to access new experiences. Some participants express that some of the activities they participate in are very unique and life changing leaving an extremely positive impact.

Our interventions include therapeutic theatre and art workshops, gardening and cooking days, group walks, multiple coached sporting provisions and volunteering opportunities and much more.

Our offers has been a steppingstone towards being well supported around current and future mental health and practical needs and our commitment continues to strengthen the communities we serve.

A person in front of a stall on a field with their thumbs up. Next to them, is someone holding a white teddy bear

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