NHS Volunteer (Forth Valley, Scotland)

RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme) works with NHS Forth Valley to develop volunteering in local hospitals.

For volunteers aged 50+ in the Forth Valley area

Help contribute to the well-being of patients and visitors in local hospitals. You will be a listening ear, a helpful and friendly face with the aim of making a visit to the hospital a better experience.  Our volunteers feel valued, make new friends and keep active in retirement.

RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme) works with NHS Forth Valley to develop volunteering in local hospitals. Volunteers support staff, patients and the general public in a variety of ways across Forth Valley, based in many different departments and services.

Find out more below and register your interest.

  • To support patients, staff and the general public as appropriate to the department / service
  • Be able to undertake specific duties and responsibilities with minimum supervision
  • To undergo a Basic Disclosure, or in some areas to become a member of the PVG scheme (Protection of Vulnerable groups).

  • Friendly and welcoming manner
  • Good people and communication skills
  • Respect for patient confidentiality
  • Ability to commit to a regular session.

As a volunteer, you will receive:

  • On-going help and support
  • Volunteer badge and uniform
  • Relevant training.

The Retired and Senior Volunteering Programme (RSVP) in Forth Valley provides volunteering opportunities primarily for the 50+ age group. Forth Valley covers Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Council areas. Groups are run by volunteer organisers with support from a Membership secretary.

Find out more

Older person in a white NHS tshirt standing next to an NHS Forth Valley sign which says GP and minor injuries centre

Register your interest

You are about to register for this opportunity. Volunteering Matters will only use the information you've given us here for your volunteering record. It will be treated as confidential and stored in line with data protection legislation. I confirm that by registering my interest, I agree to the Volunteering Matters terms and conditions.
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