Supporting care-experienced young people

By focusing on mentorship and fostering community connections, we aim to empower care-experienced youth to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.

We are dedicated to championing the needs and potential of care-experienced young people. Our goal is to provide these individuals with the necessary support and resources to successfully transition from care into independent adulthood. By focusing on mentorship and fostering community connections, we aim to empower care-experienced youth to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.

Summary: We seek support for care-experienced young people, helping them transition from care with mentorship and community support.

The reason why: Care-experienced youth possess unique strengths but face challenges; targeted support can unlock their potential.

  • Implement and fund structured mentoring programs tailored for care-experienced young people, connecting them with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and advocacy.
  • Create a framework for ongoing support that extends beyond the age of 18, recognising that care-experienced individuals may need support well into young adulthood to successfully transition to independence. This is more than qualifications, it is about the community providing support to open up the place to the young people.
  • That there is a collective community response to support care experienced young people – every-one effectively asking ‘what can I do?’

  • Provides support networks and safety nets wider than statutory limitations – helping young people throughout young adulthood and to make secure and sustainable connections and networks in communities.
  • Keeps young people in education and employment which opens up wider opportunities and security.
  • Helps young people navigate risks posed by those who would like to involve them in criminality and negative activities – providing positive role modelling and support to make difficult decisions.
  • Adds value to a statutory system that has limitations and resource challenges – releasing the pressure so that statutory services can focus on the most pressing issues.

Our award-winning Grandmentors programme transforms the lives of young adults through the emotional and practical support of our older, world-wise volunteers. Grandmentors provide a vital link for young people as they navigate life after care.

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Our award-winning Grandmentors programme transforms the lives of young adults through the emotional and practical support of our older, world-wise volunteers. Salou found a home in Ipswich, after arriving in the UK at 17 from Guinea. He became part of the Grandmentors Programme taking up a place in full time education, building up skills and language, aspiring to be an electrician. He also became vice-captain for the Volunteering Matters football team, ‘Valuable Migrants’ that includes anyone but especially refugees. Being part the football team, being with other young people and spending time at Volunteering Matters gave him a sense of community and home.

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