Preventative support for older people

We aim to address critical issues such as mental health and wellbeing amongst older people ultimately reducing the need for long-term services and improving the quality of life for older individuals.

We are committed to enhancing the health and well-being of older people through the power of community-led projects and volunteering. By fostering connections and providing supportive environments, we aim to address critical issues such as mental health and abuse, ultimately reducing the need for long-term services and improving the quality of life for older individuals.

Summary: We seek support for community-led projects to enhance older people’s health and well-being through volunteering.

The reason why: Community projects provide social connections and help address issues like mental health and abuse, reducing long-term service needs.

Sporting Chance in Stockton-on-Tees welcomes men aged 50+ regardless of their age or fitness level. Steve joined Sporting Chance after a visit to his GP with health concerns. He attended sessions twice weekly and latterly signing up for the gym programme in partnership with Durham University. There is no doubt Steve has had transformative health improvements – losing over two stones in weight, being able to move without pain and improved blood sugar levels. However, Steve is also quick to note that he now feels part of the Sporting Chance Family and how attending ‘is good for the soul’.

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